BRICS will try to remove financial cooperation from Western influence — Russia's Sherpa

2024-02-05 / Новости

MOSCOW, February 1. The BRICS countries will actively seek solutions to remove financial interaction from Western influence, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and Russia's Sherpa in BRICS Sergey Ryabkov said at a press conference following the first meeting of the Sherpa and Sous-Sherpa group.

"Of course, within BRICS we will continue an active, joint search for solutions that will allow us to remove our interaction from such harmful influence [of the West]," Ryabkov said, answering a question about the outlines of the new system of mutual settlements. "This is a difficult question," he added.

The high-ranking diplomat noted that it is difficult and unnecessary to act rashly in this area. "We will approach this creatively and are already doing this. I think we need to wait for concrete results, and speculating on this topic is, in general, helping our opponents. What’s the point of it?" he said.

