Russian envoy sees Tanzania’s closer ties with BRICS as inevitable

2024-07-05 / Новости

NAIROBI, June 29. /TASS/. Closer ties between Tanzania and BRICS are inevitable, Russian Ambassador to the African country Andrey Avetisyan said in an interview with TASS.

"Some of the BRICS members are Tanzania’s strategic partners, significantly contributing to its economic development based on President Samia Hassan’s policy of ‘economic diplomacy.’ The topic of Tanzania’s BRICS accession has not come up yet but the country’s closer ties with the group are inevitable, especially now that membership has been granted to Ethiopia, a country Tanzania cooperates with within the African Union and the East African Community," the envoy pointed out.

According to him, the BRICS group's ties with East Africa will continue growing, opening up new opportunities for Tanzania’s cooperation with the countries that share common development goals, civilizational values and political views.

The mayor of the Tanzanian capital of Dodoma and the head of the Dar es Salaam urban district plan to take part in the BRICS International Municipal Forum set to be held in Moscow in late August.

