Тезисы выступления Чрезвычайного и Полномочного посла ЮАР Мандиси Мпахлуа на конференции "Глобальная безопасность в повестке БРИКС 2015: на пути от Форталезы к Уфе"

Тезисы выступления Чрезвычайного и Полномочного посла ЮАР Мандиси Мпахлуа на конференции "Глобальная безопасность в повестке БРИКС 2015: на пути от Форталезы к Уфе"

«Мы рады, что Россия и Китай поддерживают остальные страны БРИКС. Это вдохновляет», - Мандиси Мпахлуа, Чрезвычайный и Полномочный посол ЮАР в РФ.

Научно-практическая конференция "Глобальная безопасность в повестке БРИКС 2015: на пути от Форталезы к Уфе", организованная Центром глобальных проблем и международных организаций при Дипакадемии РФ и Национальным комитетом по исследованию БРИКС, состоялась 12 декабря 2014 года в Дипломатической академии МИД РФ.

Remarks by the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa H.E. Mr Mandisi Mpahlwa at the Conference on Global Security on the BRICS Agenda for 2015: From Fortaleza to Ufa - Diplomatic Academy on 12 December 2014:


  • The theme of today’s conference necessitated that we examine the successive declarations of BRICS Summits held over the last five years and from this exercise I am able to confidently say that the declarations provide the best evidence of the relevance of this topic. I hope to be able to show later that the matter of global security and peace has been a consistently running thread of the Forum’s deliberations and commitments.


  • Furthermore, a look at the reality of the world today also makes this topic to be relevant as a variety of conflicts of a major scale suggest that the world stands on the brink of division due to persistent approaches to act outside the established institutions of global governance and in ways that undermine the interests of others. The theatres of these conflicts are spread across various centres such as North Africa, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine as well as emerging tensions in the Pacific Ocean.


  • Having said all this, to highlight the need for greater co-operation within a multilateral context in dealing with these challenges, it also has to be said that the multilateral system as we know it has not assigned to any country a role to be a global policeman; it further has to be said, therefore, that self determined national interest does not permit any country to impose itself, or such interests, on others. Let me now turn to BRICS’ declared positions in relation to matters of global security.


  • From Inception, BRICS has been committed to building a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity and ensuring that the 21st century should be marked by peace, security, development, and cooperation. It is the overarching objective and strong shared desire for peace, security, development and cooperation that brought and holds together BRICS countries.


  • BRICS aims at contributing significantly to the development of humanity and establishing a more equitable and fair world.


  • BRICS and other emerging countries have played an important role in contributing to world peace, security and stability, boosting global economic growth, enhancing multilateralism and promoting greater democracy in international relations.


  • South Africa strives for strong commitment to multilateral diplomacy with the United Nations playing the central role in dealing with global challenges and threats. In this respect, we reaffirm the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more effective, efficient and representative, so that it can deal with today’s global challenges more successfully. We are pleased that China and Russia understand and support the status of India, Brazil and South Africa in international affairs, and their aspiration to play a greater role in the UN.


  • Global interests would best be served by dealing with the crises through peaceful means and all the parties to such conflicts encouraged and assisted to resolve their differences through peaceful means and dialogue in which the UN and regional organizations should, as appropriate, play their role.


  • BRICS confirm our commitment to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestine-Israeli conflict on the basis of the universally recognized international legal framework including the relevant UN resolutions.


  • South Africa strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stresses that there can be no justification, whatsoever, for any acts of terrorism. We believe that the United Nations has a central role in coordinating the international action against terrorism within the framework of the UN Charter and in accordance with principles and norms of the international law. In Fortaleza, BRICS expressed our concern with the plight of the abducted women and children of Chibok and called for an end to the continued terrorist acts perpetrated by Boko Haram.


  • In the Fortaleza Declaration of 2014 BRICS indicated that its will continue its joint efforts in coordinating positions and acting on shared interests on global peace and security issues for the common well-being of humanity. We are committed to sustainable and peaceful settlement of disputes, according to the principles and purposes of the UN Charter. We condemn unilateral military interventions and economic sanctions in violation of international law and universally recognized norms of international relations. Bearing this in mind, we emphasize the unique importance of the indivisible nature of security, and that no State should strengthen its security at the expense of the security of others.


  • South Africa commends the efforts of the international community and acknowledges the central role of the African Union (AU) and its Peace and Security Council in conflict resolution in Africa. We call upon the UNSC to enhance cooperation with the African Union, and its Peace and Security Council, pursuant to UNSC resolutions in this regard.

  • We commend the efforts made by the United Nations, the African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP), among others, in support for the realization of legislative and presidential elections in Guinea Bissau, paving the way for the return to constitutional democracy in the country. We recognize the importance of promoting long-term political stability in Guinea-Bissau, which necessarily encompasses measures to reduce food insecurity and to advance a comprehensive security sector reform, as proposed by the Guinea-Bissau Configuration of the UN Peace building Commission. Similarly, we also welcome the efforts of the UN, AU and Southern African Development Community (SADC) in support of legislative and presidential elections in Madagascar, assisting in the return of constitutional democracy in the country.

  • We commend the efforts of the international community in addressing instability in Africa through engagement with, and coordination by, the AU and its Peace and Security Council and also note the progress that has been made in areas of the region in addressing political and security challenges.

From Fortaleza to UFA, Bashkortostan

  • BRICS has demonstrated its seriousness on the economic front in taking a bold initiative to establish the New Development Bank, which probably astonished even the worst sceptics on the viability of BRICS group.

  • As we approach Ufa in 2015, we should turn our minds to how we can give greater impetus to, and strengthen the broader effort towards, achieving our stated goals of reform of multilateral institutions and ensuring multilateralism is at the centre of dealing with global problems, and thus thwart the tendency towards unilateralism. BRICS will continue to strive to deal with global threats through multilateralism. All BRICS declarations bear testimony to this conviction.
