India Goes Digital. From local phenomenon to global influencer / Lydia Kulik, Vladimir Korovkin

India Goes Digital. From local phenomenon to global influencer

Lydia Kulik Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, SKOLKOVO Institute for Emerging Market Studies; Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Vladimir Korovkin Moscow School of Management - Skolkovo Emerging Markets Research Institute; International School of Management (ISM) Paris


India’s contribution to the global digital revolution is multi-faceted. The present report reflects the diverse landscape of India’s digitisation, which includes massive infrastructural investment, numerous software applications, and business models that often merge frontier technologies with traditional social and cultural patterns. Besides analysing some India-specific features of digitisation, such as close public-private partnership, the focus on financial inclusion, the delicate balance between national and foreign players on the Indian market, and India’s drive towards modernisation with simultaneous strengthening of its cultural foundations, this report focuses on other dimensions of India’s digitisation that have global multiplicative effects and a strong influence over international trends in development, such as, for instance, entrepreneurship and education.

Keywords: digitisation in India, influence of digitisation on Indian economy and society, private-public endeavour, reforms in India
